

Tim, my darling husband, turned 50 the end of March. We chose to celebrate it with 22 of our closest friends in Mexico! We had a blast! Julie (BFF) and Jeff got married (I did a great job coordinating that from afar, even if I do say so myself) the day after Tim's party. I was a keynote speaker the last day we were there - in another country - in another language!

One of our buddies had a heart attack the last day (he is under 50), got to come home (after being admitted to a Mexico hospital). He freaked us all out! Upon return home, they put in 3 stents to open up blockage. He is okay now (yay!)

This morning, I got a random email from the wife of one of my favorite clients. Eric died from a massive heart attack last week. He was 60. He died with no will, and left his wife and two young sons with a mortgage, car payments, and an ex-wife to fight over what is left of what he had.

Please make sure you hug your loved ones and tell them you love them. And for crying out loud, make a will.

Nolo's Simple Will Book is invaluable.

Getting old(er) is challenging.


Missy said...

Definitely a familiar story to me... life is so fleeting - you just don't know what tomorrow will bring so you need to make the most of today! Love, laugh and live!

A.Madelyn said...

For every breath I take, I am grateful!.....I am so sorry to hear about this sudden death. No problem about hugging and loving life, hubby, brothers and sisters.
But when I hear people complain about very stupid things I get pretty impatient.....With all the love I have .......Madelyn